To protect your interests is our top concern

APL – Aerodrome Legal Services

Aerodromes (airports and airfields) are the crystallization point of aviation. Whatever might be the issue on the aerodrome, e.g. applicable regulation, contracts or liability, the matter is our domain.

MAC – Military Aviation Consulting

We will advise you in all the aspects of military aviation, as well as on the civil-military relations of your business.

UAVC – UAV Consulting

The striving market of UAVs could be waiting for you. We will provide you with all you need to know to either operate your own UAV or to exploit the opportunities of UAV operations.

USACS – US Aviation Corporate Services

Is your US-established company specialized in aviation and looking for a partner to support your business activities in Europe? Think about Switzerland and talk to us, in order to let us grow your European business together!

AACT – Association Activities

Does your association, federation or society require professional support to run its activities? – Ask us and propel the impact of your association!

STC – Software Tax Consulting

In this very specialized field you can count on us, in order to pursue your business in the most efficient manner.


We challenge ourselves to bring new and original ways of thinking

Each WP jurist and consultant offers you his services based on a profound background experience in large technology companies and international law firms as well as in public, academic and military service. With our knowledge, we are able to assure that you receive the sophisticated services that you expect.

WP has its offices right in the heart of Europe, in Zürich, Switzerland and was founded by Jorge V. Pardo and Alexander Weisser in 2014.

Jorge V. Pardo is an international jurist, whose primary areas of expertise are commercial law, aviation law and contracts. In his professional career he has held various positions in the aerospace industry, in international law firms in Switzerland, Spain and in the US, in technology firms, in public service and in aviation associations.

Through his wide range of professional assignments, Jorge V. Pardo has acquired a broad expertise in management consulting.

After receiving a Master of Law degree from the University of Zurich (including an exchange at the University of Bern), he earned a Masters of Law degree (LL.M.) in Comparative Law from the University of San Diego School of Law in San Diego CA.

Jorge V. Pardo’s memberships include (selection): Swiss Air Force Officer’s Association – President, General Aviation Steering Commitee Switzerland – Member, Swiss Air & Space Law Association – Member, University of San Diego Alumni Europe – President

Alexander Weisser is an international lawyer, whose primary area of expertise is commercial law. Within this field, he has assisted his clients on data protection law, closed- and open-source software licenses, Swiss and international tax law (such as treaty interpretation, permanent establishment, transfer pricing, withholding tax relief and tax residence disputes), the contractual relationships between businesses needed for research & development projects in the engineering sector, and general Swiss administrative law (such as appeals against administrative decisions or the applications for construction permits and special trade licenses). In addition, clients have entrusted him with cases in Swiss trust and succession law as well as cross-border relocations of businesses and individuals. He advises individuals, startups, established corporations, and industry associations. In his professional career, he has held various positions in the software industry, in one of the top law firms in Switzerland, and in higher education.

He holds a PhD (Dr. iur.) in international tax law and a Master of Law from the University of Geneva, Switzerland, a Bachelor of Law from the University of Zurich, Switzerland, and passed the bar exam at the Supreme Court of the canton of Zurich. His treatise on the international taxation of cloud computing is publicly available under Creative Commons license here.  

Alexander Weisser is a member of the International Fiscal Association.


We keep you up to date with our ever changing industry

An overview of the international authorities and organizations in aviation in 2024

Why is knowledge of aviation institutions important? - The answer lies in the combination of aviation and globalization. Consequence #1 is: Aviation as a global industry requires legal harmonization. Consequence #2 is: The international institutions are the mediators of legal unification in aviation. Approach/purpose of the work of the international institutions: To enable identical or similar [...]

WP Legal Memo (German): Das umweltrechtliche Vorsorgeprinzip

Das umweltrechtliche Vorsorgeprinzip versucht potentielle Gefahren für die Umwelt frühzeitig zu erkennen und entsprechende negative Einwirkungen auf die Umwelt durch Emissionsbeschränkungen zu minimieren. Das Schweizer Umweltschutzgesetz (USG) ist massgebend. Welche Erkenntnisse ergeben sich aus der Judikatur und welche Konsequenzen lassen sich aus der Praxis für die Luftfahrt, insbesondere für die Flugplätze aus dem Vorsorgeprinzip ableiten? [...]


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